Registering Components

There are two main ways to register your Python components with IRIS Interoperability:

  • With a settings file

  • With a Python script:

    • Register a single component using register_component
    • Register all components in a file using register_file
    • Register all components in a folder using register_folder

With a Settings File

Create a file in the root of your project. This file will be used to register your classes and productions.

Example of

import bo

    "Python.MyBusinessOperation": bo.MyBusinessOperation

Registering the Component

Use the iop command line to register your component:

iop --migrate /path/to/your/project/

Using the Python Shell

Registering a Single Component

Use the register_component method to add a new Python file to the component list for interoperability.

from iop import Utils


from iop import Utils

Registering All Components in a File

Use the register_file method to add all components in a file to the component list for interoperability.

from iop import Utils


from iop import Utils

Registering All Components in a Folder

Use the register_folder method to add all components in a folder to the component list for interoperability.

from iop import Utils


from iop import Utils

Migrating Settings

Use the migrate method to migrate the settings file to the IRIS framework.

from iop import Utils

The File

This file is used to store the settings of the interoperability components. It has three sections:

  • CLASSES: Stores the classes of the interoperability components.
  • PRODUCTIONS: Stores the productions of the interoperability components.
  • SCHEMAS: Stores the schemas of the interoperability components.


import bp
from bo import *
from bs import *
from msg import RedditPost

    'Python.RedditService': RedditService,
    'Python.FilterPostRoutingRule': bp.FilterPostRoutingRule,
    'Python.FileOperation': FileOperation,
    'Python.FileOperationWithIrisAdapter': FileOperationWithIrisAdapter,

SCHEMAS = [RedditPost]

        'dc.Python.Production': {
        "@Name": "dc.Demo.Production",
        "@TestingEnabled": "true",
        "@LogGeneralTraceEvents": "false",
        "Description": "",
        "ActorPoolSize": "2",
        "Item": [
                "@Name": "Python.FileOperation",
                "@Category": "",
                "@ClassName": "Python.FileOperation",
                "@PoolSize": "1",
                "@Enabled": "true",
                "@Foreground": "false",
                "@Comment": "",
                "@LogTraceEvents": "true",
                "@Schedule": "",
                "Setting": {
                    "@Target": "Host",
                    "@Name": "%settings",
                    "#text": "path=/tmp"
                "@Name": "Python.RedditService",
                "@Category": "",
                "@ClassName": "Python.RedditService",
                "@PoolSize": "1",
                "@Enabled": "true",
                "@Foreground": "false",
                "@Comment": "",
                "@LogTraceEvents": "false",
                "@Schedule": "",
                "Setting": [
                        "@Target": "Host",
                        "@Name": "%settings",
                        "#text": "limit=10\nother<10"
                "@Name": "Python.FilterPostRoutingRule",
                "@Category": "",
                "@ClassName": "Python.FilterPostRoutingRule",
                "@PoolSize": "1",
                "@Enabled": "true",
                "@Foreground": "false",
                "@Comment": "",
                "@LogTraceEvents": "false",
                "@Schedule": ""

The CLASSES Section

This section stores the classes of the interoperability components. It helps to register the components.

The dictionary has the following structure:

  • Key: The name of the component
  • Value:
  • The class of the component (you have to import it before)
  • The module of the component (you have to import it before)
  • Another dictionary with the following structure:
    • module: Name of the module of the component (optional)
    • class: Name of the class of the component (optional)
    • path: The path of the component (mandatory)


When Value is a class or a module:

import bo
import bp
from bs import RedditService

    'Python.RedditService': RedditService,
    'Python.FilterPostRoutingRule': bp.FilterPostRoutingRule,
    'Python.FileOperation': bo,

When Value is a dictionary:

    'Python.RedditService': {
        'module': 'bs',
        'class': 'RedditService',
        'path': '/irisdev/app/src/python/demo/'
    'Python.Module': {
        'module': 'bp',
        'path': '/irisdev/app/src/python/demo/'
    'Python.Package': {
        'path': '/irisdev/app/src/python/demo/'


This section stores the productions of the interoperability components. It helps to register a production.

The list has the following structure:

  • A list of dictionaries with the following structure:
  • dc.Python.Production: The name of the production
    • @Name: The name of the production
    • @TestingEnabled: The testing enabled of the production
    • @LogGeneralTraceEvents: The log general trace events of the production
    • Description: The description of the production
    • ActorPoolSize: The actor pool size of the production
    • Item: The list of the items of the production
    • @Name: The name of the item
    • @Category: The category of the item
    • @ClassName: The class name of the item
    • @PoolSize: The pool size of the item
    • @Enabled: The enabled of the item
    • @Foreground: The foreground of the item
    • @Comment: The comment of the item
    • @LogTraceEvents: The log trace events of the item
    • @Schedule: The schedule of the item
    • Setting: The list of the settings of the item
      • @Target: The target of the setting
      • @Name: The name of the setting
      • #text: The value of the setting

The minimum structure of a production is:

            'UnitTest.Production': {
                "Item": [
                        "@Name": "Python.FileOperation",
                        "@ClassName": "Python.FileOperation",
                        "@Name": "Python.EmailOperation",
                        "@ClassName": "UnitTest.Package.EmailOperation"

You can also set in @ClassName an item from the CLASSES section.


from bo import FileOperation
            'UnitTest.Production': {
                "Item": [
                        "@Name": "Python.FileOperation",
                        "@ClassName": FileOperation,

As the production is a dictionary, you can add in the value of the production dictionary an environment variable.


import os

            'UnitTest.Production': {
                "Item": [
                        "@Name": "Python.FileOperation",
                        "@ClassName": "Python.FileOperation",
                        "Setting": {
                            "@Target": "Host",
                            "@Name": "%settings",
                            "#text": os.environ['SETTINGS']

The SCHEMAS Section

This section stores the schemas of the interoperability components. It helps to register the schemas for DTL transformations.

The list has the following structure:

  • A list of classes


from msg import RedditPost

SCHEMAS = [RedditPost]